Mayor's Taskforce on 30x30

Mayor's Taskforce on 30x30

On April 30, 2024, Council received an update from the Working Group Chair of the Mayor’s Task Force on 30x30, a worldwide initiative by governments to protect 30 per cent of lands and waters globally by 2030. Preliminary exploration by the Task Force has confirmed the feasibility and benefits of pursuing such a conservation goal locally.

“Greater Sudbury has been recognized as a global leader in ecological restoration, and our community enjoys access to vast greenspaces and 330 lakes,” said Greater Sudbury Mayor Paul Lefebvre. “This initiative provides a unique opportunity to contribute to the federal government’s 30x30 pledge and to continue to demonstrate how our natural environment mitigates climate change impacts and enhances our quality of life.”

Greater Sudbury’s commitment can only include protecting lands that are publicly owned and managed, such as City-owned parkland, open spaces or Crown land, in coordination with the Province.

Council passed a motion to work towards this goal by applying to have some lakes, as well as all lands that are already recognized as parks and public green space, considered for inclusion in the federal database. These lands are already “protected” under existing CGS zoning bylaws and land use planning. This protection would not change the current use or public access of these spaces.

Over the coming months, the Mayor’s Task Force on 30x30 will prepare a preliminary list of recommended existing greenspace sites that are suitable first candidates to be assessed for the federal database this year. They will also prepare a community engagement plan to consult on these sites and broader 30x30 goals.