Child Care and Ontario Works

Assistance if you are Pregnant

Licensed Childcare

  • If you are on Ontario Works, you may be eligible for free licensed child care.  This may be provided if you have children between the ages of 18 months up to 4 years old even if you are not working or in school. 
  • This assistance may help with the school readiness of your child and provide extra nutritional supports for your family.

Unlicensed/Informal Childcare

Unlicensed or informal child care may also be covered up to a maximum amount if you are in an approved activity such as basic education, community placement, employment placement, LEAP and this is supported by the caseworker.

To claim expenses for informal childcare, complete the Informal Child Care Invoice Form (PDF, 206 KB) and submit it to your case worker.

You will also need to provide the Informal Child Care Receipt Form (PDF, 221 KB) to your caseworker in order to receive any further assistance with expenses for informal childcare.